It is a great pleasure for me to exclusively present this post about a very, very special website. You will already meet Renat Hassler, my darkest friend, now you will be able to visit his website, Mental Virus Zone.
Do you dare to visit the darkness?
The project
You will all know that Renat has provided Enimatik with incomparable, inspiring and amazing visual content, as you can see in these posts on the web:
The history of Mental Virus Zone goes back years, when my darkest friend, Renat, felt the need to build a website to be able to collect and show his art, his talent. Several acquaintances suggested before the idea to him, until finally Renat decided to start, to conceive Mental Virus Zone
Some time ago I asked Renat why he didn't make his own website, I thought it was a shame that his talent didn't get the recognition it deserves. But the project, to my pleasant surprise, was already underway, under construction. And unexpectedly, Enimatik joined it...
Renat asked me if I would like to create the soundtrack for Mental Virus Zone and I immediately agreed. The music you hear as soon as you enter his website is a version of our song Noctis Voyager, conveniently remixed and adapted to Renat's idea. It has been an honor for me...
Renat knows it and I tell you all. I think he has an extraordinary talent for dark photography, for capturing moments in time. In my opinion, he is a master of urbex photography, which has inspired and contributed so much to Enimatik.
Here are Renat's impressions of Mental Virus Zone, you will understand many things...
Mental Virus Zone by Renat Hassler
"I would like to thank you for your interest to my site. Thank you for this interview. Also, using the moment, I want to express my gratitude for creating a track for the site. Track really sounds very beautiful thank you very much.
So, the idea of creating a website came to my friends. For a long time, the advices of my friends to create my own site was not accepted by me. However, over time, after such conversations, I thought why not. And I began to look for possible options of sites on the network. But in the end, I didn't like any of them. They all seemed monotonous and boring to me. And I thought what I would like to see what I would like to show. And idea mished into my mind with cool concept.
I wanted the site not to be overloaded with a large number of galleries and with countless photos. To show essence of my pics is the main thing. My connection and sympathy to a melancholy, sadness and also to gloomy philosophical point of view on life or on a separate parts of it. I think shards from broken glass are very suitable for this. Moreover, it is an integral part of abandoned places. Sometimes the reflects of objects or light in shards give birth very cool and bizarre shots.
Everything that is created by people breaks, destroys, wears out over time. This site is a zone where I try to show the beauty of abandoned worlds, the beauty of destruction, my view on it. Yes, may be that the shards are just shards, but perhaps my site will help someone learn to look into them, to peer in better and to see more than just glass shards. In any case, looking into the fragments on my site, you can definitely see more. Just click and enjoy."
I love it
I am simply fascinated by the final result of Renat's website. I think Mental Virus Zone is an original concept, far from the classic and monotonous endless photo galleries. You will see that the navigation is very fluid and allows you to access a selection of Renat's photographs, I really love the idea of broken glass as buttons to see the photos, it's very cool.
I find Renat's art so inspiring for Enimatik, I just sometimes think that music and image are interconnected even before we put them together in our imagination. His website is a beautiful compilation of dark photo art, which I don't think will leave anyone indifferent.
I am sure that if you like photography in general, and urbex in particular, you will be amazed. We live in difficult times, in many parts of the world. As happens to many of us with music, photography, for me especially the one made by Renat, is a way of escape, a way of separating ourselves from a passing reality and freeing our imagination, our ability to create from the unknown.
Only a few of us know what it has cost Renat to finish the Mental Virus Zone project, it has been a long road but it has certainly been worth traveling.
Please remember to support and follow Renat, my darkest friend and such an exceptional artist: