The end of this year is approaching, and Enimatik publishes its latest song, Inside, a new collaboration with my dear Claire Sukuvian. A song with a beautiful story behind it. Do you want to know more?
I was so delighted with our first track together, Your secrets, that it was only a matter of time before we found a new opportunity to collaborate. Claire, a complete beginner as a vocalist, pleasantly surprised me with her beautiful voice and excellent disposition, Enimatik just had to conceive the new song. With Inside I wanted to give more prominence to Claire's vocal tracks, taking advantage of her amazing vocal character, so sensual and complementary to mine. Our voices together really sound super cool, they are very different but at the same time they join together perfectly.
Inside is a song, I think, with very clearly differentiated parts, which gives it an originality and sound variety that I love. I am not only referring to the classic distinction between chorus, verses, bridges... but also to the fact that each of the parts varies a lot with respect to the others thanks to the combination of the different vocal tracks and the arrangements. From harsh and powerful synth sounds in the verses to delicate pads and arpeggios in the choruses, I think the song is very elaborate and complex, with an unique personality.
Inside has been a really complex song to produce. I have done many tests of sounds, rhythms, melodies, until I found the perfect point that fits what I had in mind. I changed the structure and order of choruses and verses several times, until I found the ideal combination for me. Inside has a mix of hardtechno-electro-dance styles that I really like. It combines very powerful and aggressive sounds with very soft and delicate ones.
For the rhythmic part, I think I have found a good balance between the forcefulness of the kick drum and the highly panned loops that add great depth to the mix. Classic analog sounds for the kick drum, snare and hats along with the use of filters and effects to give them a more contemporary touch. I especially like the secondary snare that I used for rolls and transitions, it's processed with a very cool shifting filter.
A total of 7 vocal tracks, between Claire's and mine, had to be integrated and mixed into the song. As I mentioned before, each part of the song has a very different character, and the voices contribute a lot to this. From the delicacy and sensuality of Claire's voice to my lower registers, the entire vocal section of Inside is very elaborate, both on a performance and mixing level.
I adore Claire's sensuality when singing, especially notable given her brief previous experience as a singer. Without a doubt she has a natural talent for singing, I could see it in our first collaboration, and this has been confirmed with Inside. Not only is she capable of intoning and adapting her voice to the melody of the demos that I sent her, she is also capable of improvising new ones and adapting them to the time of the song perfectly. And without any type of formal training.
As it could not be otherwise, the final mix has been really elaborate and difficult. What has been most difficult for me has been finding the balance, at all levels, between the vocal part and the musical base. All the voices were grouped into two aux buses, one for Claire and one for me, with some common adjustments, and then the hard work came to blend in with the rest of the sounds. Achieving it through equalizations and panning has not been easy but I think the result is very good.
It has also been a pleasure to collaborate again with Vexovoid in the visual section. After the magnificent photoset he made at the time and that he allowed me to use for Yourr secrets, I was very clear that for Claire's second song I would want to collaborate with him again.
The photoset was made shortly before I sent the demo of the song to Clara, but it seems that they knew, somehow, the idea that I had in mind. It's simply amazing how the photoset theme later fit with the lyrics and music of Inside, Will we be connected in some way? 😎
Claire and Vexovoid have perfectly captured the gothic and sadomasochistic point, the two photosets that I have used for the songs are authentic dark art, I love them and I can assure you that they have been highly inspiring when composing them. I find photos full of character and personality, of very good quality, which show a beautiful and captivatingly sensual Claire, at the same time with an amazing gothic-vampiric look.
I want to express here my deep gratitude to both of you for your invaluable contribution to Inside, thank you very much friends.
Please follow and support Claire on @nekrothicc and Vexovoid on @goblindismemberment
Updated at january 9 2025
The original version of Inside has been replaced in January 2025 by a new remixed and remastered one.
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